Below👇🏻 are some secondary insights that have been key throughout the context stage and moving into ideas…

  1. People crave an immersive story told through nostalgic smells, tastes and textures. They want to be enchanted by the joy of discovery.'
  2. Brands are creating multi-sensory food and drink products, merging both physical and virtual worlds.
  3. Subscription boxes have risen since lockdown and will continue to rise post covid.
  4. Lockdown broke down the wall of celebrity, demonstrating everyone is a normal person going through the same thing.
  5. Throughout lockdown, many individuals and organisations helped young people, through workshops and online resources by empowering them to make music and speak out.
  6. NFC does everything a QR code does without the hated familiarity and associated frustration from pandemics backlash.
  7. The pandemic has changed the way people get noticed when applying for jobs, demonstrating how we’ve moved towards more digital ways of learning and creating.
  8. There’s a need for spaces that allow artists to pursue their careers and connect with others.
  9. NFC is still an unknown term to the public, this will bring consumers something new to interact with and allow for a feeling of exclusivity.

Some key words/phrases…

Moving forward we have a strong ground to stand on with a wide variety of contextual research from different sectors and industries. Which will help us move forward with outcome ideas.