
Key Quotes:

K.ji Tip:

“when i hit a block  I started reading the dictionary that helped me a lot “

Logan Tip:

“Reading books helps, sometimes I feel like it’s not necessarily what you’re reading about. But sometimes you can get inspiration just from reading about like someone else’s life story”

“cartoons are watch works for me, it also teaches you not to think too much because like at the end of the day like you got to have fun because you’re going to spend you’re going to spend little money on it”


“ Make connections, talk to people. Introduce yourself to as many people as you can.”

Nick Frayzier Tip:

“see how other people are doing it in the industry and then kind of study them a little bit, study how they did it and then also you know, study yourself, how you would put a twist on certain things that they’d done, like how would you put your mark on it. “

Gambino Tip:

“I'll have each of the words from, so I'll have A,  five or six words on it, all the way to Z. Maybe then kind of use it and mix it. If you know what I mean.”

Parisa Tip: