
The Friday before the presentation week Katie, Justine and Belle were starting to think about how we were going to write the script for the presentation, whilst Kieran was formatting the presentation in Genially. Justine and Belle were initially nervous upon hearing that it would be preferable to not have cards or notes within the presentation. However, both Katie and Kieran reassured Justine and Belle that it will create a much more engaging presentation and that we had enough time to rehearse it so that they would be confident to speak without a script. Katie and Kieran also mentioned to Justine and Belle that having a script can often mean that you are more focused and can be more nervous about saying the right thing. We knew, as a team, that we wanted our presentation to be really engaging, personable and just seem like we were having a formal and informative conversation with the client. One of the techniques that we started off by using to one of the techniques that we started off by using to combat not writing a full script was a think about keywords which it was important to address within each slide. Below are the notes which were made throughout the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in preparation for our presentation on Monday.

  1. Katie - intro




  1. Katie - why a publication?

Why a publication?




  1. Belle - do music yourself


